
A hand-drawn doodle of three parallel lines for emphasis..

Ensuring test-takers with disabilities receive reasonable accommodations when taking the SSAT. Please note that accommodations have to be approved before students register for the SSAT.

Providing students with disabilities equitable access to the SSAT.

A hand-drawn doodle of an arrow.

Testing accommodations are practices and procedures designed to limit or eliminate the effects of a student’s disabilities on their test performance so that they can demonstrate their true academic and intellectual abilities.

Any student with an identified disabling condition or impairment substantially limiting their ability to perform a major life activity is eligible. Major life activities include, but are not limited to, seeing, hearing, speaking, reading, concentrating, thinking, communicating, and learning.

Religious considerations are made for head coverings, recordings, and Sunday testing.

Please note: SSAT accommodations from the previous testing year expired on July 31, 2024. Students granted accommodations before this date must reapply and get approved before registering for tests beginning August 1, 2024.

Family Responsibility Statement

A hand-drawn doodle of a bracket.

The family is responsible for providing all equipment, materials, and personnel necessary to support a student’s approved accommodations on test day for all computer-based AND paper-based SSAT administrations.

This policy minimizes stress for the student on test day and allows them to work with individuals and equipment with which they are comfortable and familiar. If you have concerns about your family’s ability to provide anything needed for your student to complete testing, please contact EMA immediately and well before your scheduled test date at

SSAT Test Mode Differences with Accommodations

Computer-Based SSAT at Home

As is the same for all test mode options, any student wishing to take a computer-based SSAT at Home with accommodations is required to apply and be approved for their needed accommodations prior to registering for testing. With some SSAT accommodations being unnecessary when taking the computer-based test versus a traditional paper-based test, it is recommended that any student seeking accommodations for a computer-based test, apply for accommodations with the possibility of taking a paper-based test in mind. By doing so, you will ensure that your student is approved for any and all accommodations that may become necessary for any mode of testing. For a better understanding of the differences of how each accommodation will be provided on test day for each mode of testing, please view EMA's “common” accommodation descriptors below. If you have questions or concerns about any particular accommodations or a mode of testing, please do not hesitate to email EMA at

SSAT at Home Personal Protective Equipment Policy

When completing the SSAT At-Home, students may not wear a mask unless they have been approved for accommodations that include a support individual. Support personnel include either one or a combination of the following; a reader, a scribe, a sign language interpreter or some other required support individual needed to successfully complete testing. For students that have been approved for a support individual, both the student and the support individual are permitted to wear a mask throughout testing. During testing, the student and their support person will need to temporarily remove their mask so they can be visible to the camera at the start of testing and following each break. For students with approved support individuals, social distancing is permitted, when possible, and both the student and support individual may also possess and use sanitizing wipes and gloves.

Computer-Based Versus Paper-Based Accommodated Testing
  • The SSAT is designed to ensure no advantages or disadvantages exist for students taking one mode of testing or another (computer-based versus paper-based); however, differences exist between the two modes of testing as it pertains to which accommodations may be needed to complete testing and how each approved accommodation will roll-out on test day.
  • IMPORTANT: Not all traditional accommodations will be necessary for a computer-based test. For example, students who normally answer directly in their test book when completing paper-based testing, would need to have this accommodation approved in advance of testing to be permitted to answer in this manner. However, both computer-based SSAT options require the student to click and select an answer on screen for each test item and no physical testing materials are provided. All things considered, EMA recommends seeking approval for all accommodations which may be necessary across all modes of testing, in case your circumstances change and need to test in a different mode than originally planned. If you have questions regarding any differences in rules and regulations surrounding a particular accommodation for computer-based versus paper-based testing, please refer to the accommodations section below.
  • EMA recommends that any student considering the possibility of taking a paper-based SSAT during the testing season apply and be approved for any accommodations that would be necessary for paper-based testing as no accommodations will be provided unless they have been approved in advance of registering for testing. A student not having needed approval for certain accommodation(s) when taking the computer-based test will not permit usage of non-approved accommodations on any paper-based test registration for any reason.
  • Any student completing a computer-based SSAT at a Prometric test center in their area will not be required to have their medical devices approved as an accommodation ahead of test day. If you are uncertain as to whether or not your medically necessary items require prior approval as an accommodation prior to registering for the SSAT, please contact EMA's customer support team at for assistance.
  • EMA will always try its best to accommodate family requests for changes to an existing test registration for their student. The addition or removal of accommodations from an existing test registration is dependent upon multiple factors and may not always be possible. In some cases, it may be necessary to reschedule testing to accommodate last-minute requests, particularly for computer-based test registrations due to the involvement of third-party vendors administering the SSAT on behalf of EMA. If you need to request changes to your student’s test registration, please contact EMA as soon as possible at
A hand-drawn doodle of a downward-pointing arrow.

Understanding SSAT Accommodations

First, Know The Basics
  • EMA is committed to ensuring that students with disabilities receive all necessary and reasonable testing accommodations when taking the SSAT.
  • If you feel your student may be eligible to receive testing accommodations when taking the SSAT, please submit your application as soon as possible.
  • For applications that require the submission of supporting documentation, please allow up to two weeks for EMA's accommodation team to review and process your student’s request for testing accommodations from the date EMA has received all required items (including student documentation, the approver's recommendation, and approver ID).
  • For those applications that do not require the submission of supporting documentation, internal review by EMA's accommodation team is not necessary. The application is complete once the approver has submitted their online approval form and ID.
  • Your student’s testing accommodations MUST be approved BEFORE registering for an SSAT with testing accommodations.
  • Register early, as test sites offering testing with accommodations may fill up quickly or well in advance of test registration deadlines.
  • NO “FLAGGING” OF TEST SCORES. SSAT score reports do NOT provide any notification that your student was provided testing accommodations.

Students only need to be approved for testing accommodations ONCE per testing year.

  • Once approved for accommodations, your student will be permitted to register for any accommodated SSAT offering with their approved accommodations for the remainder of the testing year in which they were approved (August 1 to July 31).
  • No resubmission is required to test again with accommodations in the same testing season.
  • If you wish to have your student take the SSAT with his or her approved accommodations, be sure to indicate your student’s need for testing accommodations each time you register them for testing.

All approved accommodations will expire at the end of a given testing year (July 31st). If your student will need to complete an SSAT after this date, you will be required to submit a new application for accommodations and await their approval prior to registering for any accommodated SSAT offerings.

What are testing accommodations?
  • Testing accommodations are necessary practices and/or procedures which are intended to provide equitable access to the test for students with disabilities by limiting or eliminating the effects of a student’s disabilities on their performance.
  • Testing accommodations are provided to assist students with disabilities in demonstrating their true academic and intellectual abilities.
  • The provision of testing accommodations is not intended to reduce learning expectations.
Who is eligible for testing accommodations?

Any student identified with or suspected of having any disabling condition(s) or impairment(s) that substantially limits their ability to perform a major life activity. Major life activities include, but are not limited to: seeing, hearing, speaking, reading, concentrating, thinking, communicating, and learning.

What accommodations does my student need?

If you are unsure of your student’s educational testing needs, EMA recommends contacting professionals from your student’s current school to discuss appropriate testing accommodations.

Additionally, it may also be beneficial to contact any medical professionals involved in your student’s care or treatment.

Lastly, you may choose to contact EMA directly at for consultation regarding the appropriateness of particular testing accommodations for your student.

Useful Hints and Tips

If you have a question or concern, contact right away! EMA is here to work with you to facilitate the approval of all necessary and reasonable accommodations for testing.

After your student’s accommodations are approved, have a conversation with him or her about what to expect on test day and what testing accommodations will be permitted. This will go a long way toward decreasing test day stress and enabling the best performance.

To avoid unnecessary delays, please touch base with your approver after submitting any application for accommodations to confirm receipt of our automated email requesting their approval.

To be eligible for Direct Access and NOT be required to submit documentation, your student’s approver MUST be a representative at your student’s current school.

Sometimes emails sent to approvers get stuck in their spam filters. If your approver seems delayed in responding to your request, call them to make sure they received the necessary approver email.

Please be sure to provide the BEST parent/guardian email address when creating your student’s SSAT account so we can easily contact you with any questions or issues related to your student’s account.

To remain eligible for Direct Access, please select only from the disability categories and common accommodations contained within the online application. EMA recognizes your student’s testing needs may extend beyond those accommodations found within the application; however, any application containing information entered into the “Other” text fields provided will require the application to be supplemented with supporting documentation to ensure EMA is best able to support your student and may increase the wait time for approval and test registration..

If you are required to submit documentation to substantiate your student’s need for accommodations, remember that submitting a full copy of an IEP, 504 plan, or other documentation provides EMA the most complete information and best supports your student's application.

A hand-drawn doodle of a downward-pointing arrow.

Applying and Registering for Accommodations

Applying for Accommodations

Please review our step-by-step guide to applying for accommodations.

First, you must apply for accommodations.

1. Log in to your student’s account, click the “SSAT Testing” button and then the “Apply for / View My Accommodations” tab.

2. Next, click the “Click to Apply for Testing Accommodations” button to be taken to the online application. There you will indicate your student’s disability, select the needed accommodations, and other related information.

3. Provide contact information for an approver who is able to attest that:

  • The disabilities indicated and testing accommodations requested are reasonable and valid for your student
  • And, documentation which meets SSAT requirements is on file with the current organization/school and reflects the need for testing accommodations.

Based on the information provided within your student’s application for testing accommodations, the form will indicate whether or not you are required to provide us with documentation to substantiate your student’s request for testing accommodations.

Then, your approver submits their online approval and approver ID form. After submitting your application, the approver will receive an email with a link to complete the secure online approval form for your student's accommodations. This will allow your student’s approver to:

1. Confirm/deny each requested accommodation.

2. Confirm that documentation meeting our requirements is on file.

  • You will be notified by automated email when the approver completes their online approval of accommodations and again when the approver has their identification form approved by EMA.
  • If your student's application requires the submission of supporting documentation for EMA review, both of these approver requirements must be met before EMA will process or review the application for approval or permit registration for accommodated testing.
  • Both portions of the approval MUST be completed by the approver before it will be processed or reviewed.
  • The approver's approved ID will be the email address that has been used to complete this process. There is not an assigned ID number for approvers.

Next, EMA reviews submitted documentation.*

If applicable, EMA will review the information provided by your approver and the documentation you submitted. After a final decision is made, you will be notified that either:

  • Your documentation is acceptable and supports all requested accommodations, or
  • Your documentation is acceptable for some of the requested accommodations, or
  • Your documentation is not acceptable for any of the requested accommodations.

(*If no documentation was required, you will skip this step.)

Now, you may register for the SSAT!

  • When you register for testing, you MUST indicate that your student requires testing accommodations.
  • Your student’s approved testing accommodations will be linked to your student’s test registration and each approved accommodation will be listed on the admission ticket for all paper-based test registrations. For all computer-based testing registrations, accommodations should be listed for each test date under "My Tests" within your online SSAT account.
Paper-Based Accommodated Testing Registration

All paper-based SSAT administrations, including both Flex and Standard tests (described below), are scheduled and organized by EMA’s member schools and approved educational consultants. The availability of accommodations for a scheduled paper-based SSAT administration is largely dependent upon the member school or consultant’s ability to effectively provide accommodations and/or the availability of the resources necessary to cover the testing needs of all registrants on test day. In turn, not all scheduled paper-based SSAT administrations will offer accommodated seating. After your student’s test accommodations have been approved, as you navigate the online SSAT registration process you will be required to indicate your student’s need for accommodations for testing. When indicating a need for accommodations during test registration, the system will filter all scheduled paper-based SSAT administrations to show only those test dates and locations where accommodated seating remains available. This filtering process ensures that your student does not end up registered for a specific test administration where their needs cannot be met on test day.

Flex Test Registration & Deadlines

Paper-based Flex tests are those administered on any day other than the Standard test dates outlined below. There are two different types of Flex test offerings for the SSAT; Open and Closed. An Open Flex test is one which is open to the public for registration and does not require an Access Code for registration; whereas, Closed FLEX tests require pre-approval from an EMA member school or consultant and does require an Access Code to complete registration. 

For any Open Flex test offering accommodated seating, registration is scheduled to close 10 days before the scheduled test date to ensure adequate time for the member school or consultant to order all test materials necessary for administration of the SSAT. 

For any Closed Flex test offering accommodated seating, registration will not close until the day of the scheduled SSAT administration; however, it is important that you allow enough time between registration and test day to ensure EMA is able to provide any special materials, as needed, to the appropriate test center (i.e. large print test materials, braille materials, etc.).

Standard Test Registration & Deadlines

Paper-based Standard tests are those administered on specific dates during the course of a given testing season (August 1st - July 31st). Registration for accommodated testing on all standard test dates is open to the public  anywhere seating remains available. Standard testing is made available through participating member schools; however, educational consultants are not permitted to offer Standard test administrations. Not all member schools administer the SSAT on Standard test dates and for those that do, they may choose to offer the SSAT on all scheduled dates or only those which work best for their respective administration teams. 

For any Standard test offering accommodated seating, registration is scheduled to close 14 days (two weeks) before the scheduled test date to ensure adequate time for the member school to plan and organize for the varied needs of the accommodated testers on their respective test day rosters by ensuring adequate access, test space, and personnel to appropriately administer the SSAT. Please refer to the table below for more information related to the specific registration deadlines as they apply to paper-based Standard test dates for the current testing season.

SSAT Registration Deadlines
Standard Test Dates Last Day to Register for General Testing Last Day to Register for Accommodated Testing
10/12/24 10/9/24 9/28/24
11/9/24 11/6/24 10/26/24
12/7/24 12/4/24 11/23/24
1/4/25 1/1/25 12/21/24
2/1/25 1/29/25 1/18/25
3/1/25 2/26/25 2/15/25

Learn more about the differences between test mode options for the SSAT.

Prometric Accommodated Testing Registration

If you wish to register your student for an accommodated SSAT offering at a Prometric test center, you will be required to call Prometric directly following registration at 800-967-1139. This requirement is to ensure the test center where you are attempting to schedule testing has the appropriate resources and time slot available to accommodate your student's testing needs. Please be sure to have the corresponding eligibility identification number handy as this will be requested by the Prometric team during scheduling.

  • Please be advised that once any test has been scheduled with Prometric, the registration will become locked.

As a result, it may not be possible to modify an existing registration to add or remove any accommodations after any test is scheduled.

  • The need to modify any scheduled or “locked in” Prometric registration to add or remove accommodations may result in the cancellation of the existing appointment for testing due to the need to update the accommodation approval eligibility in the testing system. Testing will then be rescheduled directly with Prometric; however, testing will need to be moved to another date, time, or location depending on the changes made to the registration.

Learn more about the differences between test mode options for the SSAT.

SSAT At Home Accommodated Testing Registration

Registration for all SSAT at Home administrations will remain open up until 24 hours prior to each scheduled test date/time; however, all SSAT at Home test dates are subject to availability as there is a limit to the number of seats available for registration on each scheduled test date. As a result, EMA cannot guarantee availability based on attempting to schedule an SSAT at Home greater than 24 hours in advance of a preferred test date

Similar to Prometric testing with accommodations, following the completion of registration for an SSAT At-Home offering, the registration will become locked; however, this type of registration is slightly more flexible.

  • Any accommodation that does not impact the timing of the test may be added to or removed from an existing SSAT at Home test registration in the lead-up to test day; however, if wishing to change from one timing schedule to another (i.e. standard time to 50% additional time), the student's registration will need to be canceled out and re-registered with the appropriate accommodations. Testing may need to be moved to an alternate test date if no available seating remains for the original date at the time of cancellation.

On test day, the virtual proctor overseeing a student's test administration will NOT confirm all accommodations approved for testing. If there is confusion regarding what is approved or what will be permitted during testing, the parent/student should ask the proctor during the check-in process. It is best to double-check approved accommodations and the rules and regulations for each in advance of test day. All rules and regulations for common accommodations can be found in the corresponding section below.

Learn more about the differences between test mode options for the SSAT.

A hand-drawn doodle of a downward-pointing arrow.

Documentation Requirements and Direct Access

Documentation Requirements for Families

Documentation supporting your student’s need for testing accommodations must always be on file with your indicated approver.

Acceptable Forms of Documentation

  • Individualized Education Program (IEP)
  • Section 504 Accommodation(s) Plan
  • Private School Service Plan or other formal documentation on letterhead
  • Private or school-based evaluation reports
  • Testing results or documentation from a qualified professional
  • Documentation that illustrates that your student has been approved for testing accommodations when taking other standardized tests in the past
  • Documentation from a representative at your student’s current school indicating the provision of the requested accommodations when completing school-based testing

Please contact EMA if you have other forms of documentation to be considered.

The documentation must:

  • List or reflect a history of each disability,
  • Illustrate that each disability substantially limits a major life activity,
  • Illustrate that the accommodations requested are reasonable, and
  • Be dated within the last three (3) years from the date of application submission.

General Notes on Documentation

  • Submitting the full IEP, 504 plan, or other formal documentation provides EMA with the most complete information, which may prevent approval delays.
  • The document must be clearly dated with any available signature pages included.
  • Submitting incomplete or invalid documentation may result in delays when processing your student’s request for testing accommodations.
  • All documents submitted to EMA for review as part of the application process for accommodations MUST be submitted in English. Any document composed in any other language must be translated to English first and then submitted before the application will be reviewed.
Direct Access

Your student’s request may not require documentation submission. Check below to see if your request qualifies for Direct Access.

EMA has a firm commitment to facilitate the approval of all testing accommodations for students with disabilities without undue delay. In many cases, Direct Access allows us to approve your student’s request without needing to submit formal documentation. Please remember that valid documentation must always exist on file with your indicated approver and we reserve the right to request this documentation for review.

If your student’s request meets ALL THREE of the following criteria, you do NOT need to submit documentation when applying for testing accommodations:

A. Your student’s indicated approver is a representative from her/his school

B. The documentation your approver has on file is one of the following:

  • An Individualized Education Program (IEP)
  • A Section 504 Accommodation Plan
  • A Private School Service Plan or other formal documentation outlining your student’s educational testing needs

C.   All requested testing accommodations are associated with your student’s disabilities (see association tables below)

*Important: During the application process, if your student’s disability or requested accommodations are listed as “other” they will be automatically deemed INELIGIBLE for Direct Access. This is because requests containing testing accommodations for low-incidence disabilities require more time for review and planning for the provision of testing accommodations.

How long will the approval process take using direct access?

It will depend upon your approver. If your student’s request qualifies for Direct Access, the approval time depends upon how quickly your student’s indicated approver completes the online approval form and submits the required approver identification form. Most often, this portion of the approval process will take at least a few business days.

EMA sends reminder emails to approvers who have not completed online approval or submitted approver ID within a specified period of time.

Direct Access Association Tables

To utilize Direct Access, use these tables to see if your requested accommodations are associated with your student’s disability. See the examples below the tables.

Disability (1 or more) Requested Accommodations (1 or more)
Specific Learning Disabilities (i.e. Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, Dyslexia) - 50% additional time (1.5x time)
- Answer directly in test book
- Calculator (4-function only; may contain %, √, +/-, M-, M+, and MRC)
- Laptop for writing sample only (rules vary by test mode; see laptop rules before SSAT registration)
- Highlighter
- Ruler
- Graph paper (unlimited; 3-6 sheets recommended; proctor to check sheets to be blank before testing)
- Small group setting (10 or fewer students in the room)
- Large print test materials (22pt font)
- Human reader (cannot be a family member; the student will test individually; see rules for more info)
- Human scribe (cannot be a family member; the student will test individually; see rules for more info.)
- Use of gel overlays

Disability (1 or more) Requested Accommodations (1 or more)
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder / Attention-Deficit Disorder (ADHD/ADD)

Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Psychiatric Disorders (i.e. Anxiety/Depression Disorders, Mood Disorders, Emotional Disturbance)

Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
- 50% Additional Time (1.5x Time)
- Answer Directly In Test Book
- Calculator (4-function only; May contain %, √, +/-, M-, M+, and MRC)
- Laptop for Writing Sample Only (Rules vary by test mode. See laptop rules before SSAT registration.)
- Highlighter
- Ruler
- Graph Paper (Unlimited. 3-6 sheets recommended. Proctor to check sheets to be blank before testing.)
- Small Group Setting (10 or fewer students in room)
- Human Reader (Cannot be a family member. Student will test individually. See rules for more info.)
- Human Scribe (Cannot be a family member. Student will test individually. See rules for more info.)
- Use of Gel Overlays
- Prescription Medication with Water (Must be self-administered and in original prescription bottle)

Disability (1 or more) Requested Acccommodations (1 or more)
Physical Disabilities

Medical or Chronic Health Conditions
- 50% Additional Time (1.5x Time)
- Answer Directly In Test Book
- Calculator (4-function only; May contain %, √, +/-, M-, M+, and MRC)
- Laptop for Writing Sample Only (Rules vary by test mode. See laptop rules before SSAT registration.)
- Highlighter
- Ruler
- Graph Paper (Unlimited. 3-6 sheets recommended. Proctor to check sheets to be blank before testing.)
- Small Group Setting (10 or fewer students in room)
- Seat Cushion or Pillow
- Diabetic Supplies (Individual test; medication; snacks/water; monitoring kit; and breaks, as needed)
- Prescription Medication with Water (Must be self-administered and in original prescription bottle)

Disability Requested Acccommodations (1 or more)
Visually Impaired. - 50% Additional Time (1.5x Time)
- Braille Test Materials
- Hand-held Magnifier
- Large Print Test Materials (22pt font)
- Answer Directly In Test Book
- Calculator (4-function only; May contain %, √, +/-, M-, M+, and MRC)
- Laptop for Writing Sample Only (Rules vary by test mode. See laptop rules before SSAT registration.)
- Highlighter
- Ruler
- Graph Paper (Unlimited. 3-6 sheets recommended. Proctor to check sheets to be blank before testing.)
- Small Group Setting (10 or fewer students in room)
- Human Reader (Cannot be a family member. Student will test individually. See rules for more info.)
- Human Scribe (Cannot be a family member. Student will test individually. See rules for more info.)
- Use of Gel Overlays

Disability Requested Accommodations (1 or more)
Hearing Impaired - 50% Additional Time (1.5x Time)
- Hearing Aids and/or Devices (Includes hearing aids, cochlear implants, and/or us of an FM system)
- Sign Language Interpreter (For spoken directions only)
- Small Group Setting (10 or fewer students in room)
- Ruler
Disability & Accommodation Association Examples

Student A: Student A is diagnosed with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and requests 50% additional time and testing in a small group setting of ten (10) or fewer students. Since both of these accommodations are associated with ADD/ADHD in the table above, all of the accommodations are associated and may be eligible for approval through Direct Access if all other EMA requirements are met.

Student B: Student B is diagnosed as visually impaired and a medical or chronic health condition (for the purposes of this exercise, Student B is diagnosed with diabetes). Student B requests large print test materials and permission for access to and use of their diabetic supplies. Since all of these accommodations are associated with either the visual impairment or the medical or chronic health conditions tables outlined above, all the accommodations are considered to be associated with the student’s disabilities.

Student C: Student C is diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) and submits a request for access to large print test materials and the use of a hearing aid/device. Since neither of these accommodations are associated with a diagnosis of ASD in the second table on page 10, this request for testing accommodations would require documentation to be submitted and reviewed before the student may be approved or able to register for testing with the requested accommodations.

A hand-drawn doodle of a downward-pointing arrow.

Common SSAT Accommodations

From additional testing time to supportive technology to medical equipment and more, EMA accommodates a variety of testing needs.

  • If your student requires an accommodation not listed in the expandable items below, please enter “other” when completing the online application (more info below).
  • If you are unsure of your student’s educational testing needs, please contact your student’s current school or medical professionals to discuss appropriate testing accommodations.
50% Additional Time (1.5x)
  • Students testing with 50% additional time will be provided at least a five (5) minute break between each section of any paper SSAT or computer Middle/Upper Level SSAT At Home administration. Any student completing a computer Middle/Upper Level SSAT with 50% additional time at a Prometric test center will be provided the same break structure as general test takers due to test software programming restrictions, but the breaks provided will also be extended by 50% additional time.
  • Students testing with 50% additional time will automatically be placed in a small group setting of no more than ten (10) total students on test day.
  • Any student completing a paper SSAT with 50% additional time in a small group setting will be required to use or wait out the full amount of time allotted for each test section before they will be permitted to move on to the next section, even if the student has completed a section or indicates their readiness to move on, to ensure all students have an equal opportunity to maximize the testing time for each section. Students taking a paper test in an individualized setting based on their approved accommodations will be permitted to move through testing at their own pace and may forgo any remaining time in a test section at their discretion. Middle and Upper Level test-takers sitting for either computer SSAT test option, whether at home or a Prometric Test Center, will also have the ability to choose to move on to the next section before the full time has elapsed for any test section or break time.
Middle and Upper Level SSAT Schedule
Test Section Standard Timing 50% Additional Time (Paper) 50% Additional Time (SSAT at Home) 50% Additional Time Prometric
Writing Sample 25 Minutes 40 Minutes 37.5 Minutes 37.5 Minutes
Break 10 Minutes 10 Minutes 10 Minutes 15 Minutes
Section 1 - Quantitative 30 Minutes 45 Minutes 45 Minutes 45 Minutes
*1.5x Break N/A 5 Minutes 5 Minutes N/A
Section 2 - Reading 40 Minutes 60 Minutes 60 Minutes 60 Minutes
Break 10 Minutes 10 Minutes 10 Minutes 15 Minutes
Section 3 - Verbal 30 Minutes 45 Minutes 45 Minutes 45 Minutes
*1.5x Break N/A 5 Minutes 5 Minutes N/A
Section 4 - Quantitative 30 Minutes 45 Minutes 45 Minutes 45 Minutes
Section 5 - Experimental 15 Minutes Not Administered 22.5 Minutes 22.5 Minutes
Total Testing Time 2 Hours, 50 Minutes 3 Hours, 55 Minutes 4 Hours, 15 Minutes 4 Hours, 15 Minutes
Total Time Including Breaks 3 Hours, 10 Minutes 4 Hours, 25 Minutes 4 Hours, 45 Minutes 4 Hours, 45 Minutes
Elementary Level Test Timings
Test Section Standard Timing 50% Additional Time
Section 1 - Quantitative 30 Minutes 45 Minutes
Break N/A 5 Minutes
Section 2 - Verbal 20 Minutes 30 Minutes
Break 15 Minutes 15 Minutes
Section 3 - Reading 30 Minutes 45 Minutes
Break N/A 5 Minutes
Writing Sample 15 Minutes 25 Minutes
Section 4 - Experimental 15 Minutes Not Administered
Total Testing Time 1 Hour, 50 Minutes 2 Hours, 25 Minutes
Total Time Including Breaks 2 Hours, 5 Minutes 2 Hours, 50 Minutes

*Additional breaks between sections 1 & 2 and sections 3 & 4 of the SSAT will be provided ONLY to those students approved for any amount of additional time as a testing accommodation when completing a paper SSAT or SSAT at Home (Middle and Upper Level Only). Due to test programming differences between the computer and paper tests, students completing a Middle or Upper Level SSAT with 50% additional time at a Prometric test center will only receive breaks following the writing sample and Reading sections. Please review the computer-based testing schedule above for exact break timings.

**Due to time constraints, students completing the paper SSAT with additional time are NOT required to complete the experimental portion of the SSAT; however, any student completing the computer version of the Middle or Upper Level SSAT will be required to complete this section due to test design.

Answer Directly in Test Book
  • Students approved for Answer Directly in Test Book are permitted to record their test answers directly in the test book rather than transferring answers to an answer booklet.
  • Answers will be transferred to the answer booklet from the test book following completion of the test by either the test proctor or personnel from EMA.
  • Transferred answers will be double-checked for accuracy by EMA personnel before the test is processed/scored.
  • This accommodation will not be necessary for any student completing the computer-based version of the SSAT; however, if you anticipate having your student also complete a paper-based SSAT, it is best to apply and be approved for this accommodation as part of any application.
Braille Materials
  • A braille version of all test materials will be provided to the appropriate test center for your student’s use on test day.
  • Any student in need of testing with Braille Materials will need to register for a paper-based SSAT test administration following accommodation approval. If you are not able to locate an available paper-based testing option in your area, please contact EMA directly at for assistance in exploring available testing options.
Calculator (4-function only; may contain %, √, +/-, M-, M+, and MRC)
An image of a four-function calculator.
An example of an acceptable calculator for the SSAT.
  • Students approved for the use of a four-function calculator are responsible for providing this piece of equipment on test day for any computer-based or paper-based SSAT administration.
  • Students will be permitted to use this piece of equipment ONLY when completing the quantitative sections of the SSAT.
  • The use of scientific calculators, calculator watches, or calculator applications on laptops or personal computers is strictly prohibited.
Diabetic Supplies (Individual test; medication; snacks/water; monitoring kit; and breaks, as needed)
  • Students must be approved for access to their diabetic supplies prior to registering for either the paper-based SSAT or the computer-based SSAT At-Home.
  • This accommodation will not be necessary for any student completing a computer-based SSAT at Prometric, as Prometric test centers permit students to enter with any needed medical equipment on test day without prior approval; however, if you anticipate also completing a paper-based SSAT in the same test season, it is best to apply and be approved diabetic supplies as part of any application for accommodations as this approval will be required for access to these materials during any paper-based SSAT administration.
  • Students approved for the use of diabetic supplies are permitted to bring any/all equipment/items necessary to monitor blood/sugar levels, administer prescription medication (i.e. insulin, glucagon), etc.
  • Students with diabetic needs will be permitted to request up to one 20-minute break per test section during testing on test day. It is the student’s responsibility to request any needed breaks during testing. The student must raise their hand to get the attention of the proctor. The proctor will then stop the timing of the test to grant the break. Once the student is ready to settle back in to continue testing or whenever the full break time has elapsed, the test timing will restart and they will finish out the remainder of the section and move on per the standardized testing schedule. If your student has diabetic needs and you wish to have them complete the computer-based SSAT at Home, please be sure to contact EMA ( before you register for any SSAT at Home test date to ensure your student is granted access to breaks, as needed, during testing.
  • Students approved for diabetic supplies are required to test individually in their own room with their own proctor to ensure their needing to tend to their medical needs does not disrupt the testing of others on test day.
  • If your student uses an SSAT-restricted item such as an cell phone or other electronic equipment with capabilities beyond those needed for medical purposes (e.g., iPhone with internet access), this specific equipment must be approved by EMA in advance of test day. Please contact us immediately to have your equipment approved to ensure your student has what they need during testing.
  • The use of a cell phone for any reason is strictly prohibited in any Prometric testing center location. Therefore, should your student require access to such a device during testing, they will need to be registered for either the SSAT at Home or any available paper-based testing options.
  • Unauthorized use of any electronic equipment may result in the student being dismissed from the test with NO scores being reported and NO refund issued for the incomplete test.
Graph Paper
  • Students approved for the use of graph paper are responsible for providing this material on test day for any computer-based or paper-based SSAT administration.
  • Three to six blank sheets of graph paper is recommended for testing and the student may access their graph paper throughout testing.
  • All blank sheets of graph paper must be shown to the proctor before testing begins on test day.
Handheld Magnifier
  • Students approved for the use of a handheld magnifier are responsible for providing this piece of equipment on test day for all computer-based and paper-based SSAT administrations.
  • Students approved for use of a handheld magnifier are permitted to use this tool on all sections of the SSAT.
  • Any electronic hand held magnifying device will need to be vetted by EMA to ensure the security of our test materials. This type of request should be entered as an "Other" accommodation.
Hearing Aids and/or Devices (Includes hearing aids, cochlear implants, and/or use of an FM system)
  • Students approved for the use of any type of hearing device(s) are responsible for providing this equipment on test day for all computer-based and paper-based SSAT administrations.
  • Students are permitted to use their hearing aid(s) and/or devices throughout testing.
  • Students may carry/hold extra batteries in the event one or both must be replaced during the test. Student MUST be able to replace batteries without assistance.
  • Students registering to take the computer-based SSAT at a Prometric testing center are not required to have their hearing aids or alternate devices approved prior to testing.
  • Students approved for the use of a highlighter are responsible for providing this writing tool on test day when completing paper-based SSAT administrations.
  • Students are not permitted to highlight the answer booklet, but may highlight any part of the test book.
  • The computer-based SSAT at Home has a highlighting feature built into the test software to allow all students, including those without any approved accommodations, to highlight any text they wish when testing. To highlight, students must click and drag to select the text they wish to highlight. After selecting the text, a button labeled "highlight" will appear above the cursor allowing the student to select which color they want to highlight. All highlighted text will remain highlighted for the remaining time in a given test section.
  • Please note that any student completing the SSAT at a Prometric test center will not have the same electronic highlighting functionality as permitted by the SSAT at Home. If a highlighting tool is necessary for your student on test day, it will be best to have them complete the SSAT using a different mode of testing.
Large Print Test Materials
  • Students approved for the use of a large print test materials will have the modified test book provided to them on test day when completing a paper-based SSAT. All standard print test materials for paper-based testing are created using 11-point Adobe Caslon Pro, whereas the large print test materials are printed in 22-point Verdana.
  • Any student approved for large print test materials who chooses to take any computer-based SSAT, at-home or Prometric, will have the ability to zoom in and out to adjust the size of the text presented on the screen, as needed, throughout testing.
  • Large print test materials are provided by shipment, on an as-needed basis, to the test site where the approved student is registered. Please allow additional time (approximately 2 weeks) between registration and any scheduled FLEX test date to permit the necessary test materials to be shipped and delivered to the appropriate testing location.
Laptop for Writing Sample (Permissions vary by test mode. See laptop rules before SSAT registration.)

Paper SSAT: Students approved for the use of a laptop for word processing their writing sample are responsible for providing this equipment on test day, as well as a USB flash drive or writable CD to store their written work for all paper-based SSAT administrations. Students must also be prepared to save and provide the finished writing sample by USB flash drive or CD. Printers are not available at paper-based testing centers.

  • Any student sitting for a paper-based SSAT are permitted to use their laptop for ONLY the writing sample. All other sections are to be completed using paper/pencil.
  • The use of Microsoft Word, Apple Pages, or any other basic word processor is strongly encouraged for all paper-based SSAT test takers to ensure the file submitted is accessible and able to be processed. It is recommended that the electronic file be saved as one of the following file types: .doc; .docx; .txt; .pages; or .pdf.
  • Internet-based software programs that permit collaboration, such as Google Docs, are strictly prohibited on test day as part of any paper-based SSAT administration.
  • Students are not required to disable their internet connection during testing; however, students are NOT permitted to access any type of internet browser or search engine, nor are they permitted to access any non-approved computer applications on test day. Any unauthorized use of a laptop/computer may result in a student’s dismissal from testing and their test being reported as an irregularity with no refund being provided for any invalidated test.
  • Use of any grammar or spell checking functions built into the word processor is permitted as part of any paper-based SSAT administration. The use of specific software programs for grammar or predictive text such as Grammarly or Co-Writer, must be approved separately and are only permitted for use when completing paper-based testing at this time.

Computer SSAT at Home: Students approved for the use of a laptop when registering for any SSAT at Home administration will be afforded spell checking functionality when completing the writing sample portion of the SSAT. This functionality will underline any misspelled words found in your student’s written work, but will not offer predictive text or recommended corrections for the underlined misspellings. Therefore, if your student would like to do so, they may use an electronic spell-checking device during the written portion of the SSAT. The device will need to be shown to the virtual proctor during the initial check-in procedures on test day.

Computer SSAT at Prometric: Students will not be required to provide a laptop or data storage device if completing any computer-based SSAT at a Prometric Test Center; however, if any student approved for the use of a laptop would like to use an electronic spell checking device to assist them with composing their writing sample, they will be permitted to do so on test day as the computer-based testing platform is not built with this functionality.

The family will be responsible for providing an electronic spell checking device for their student should they decide to use one to support their writing on test day. Any device used by a test taker must meet the following criteria and be used in accordance with the guidelines outlined below

  • Device is only to be permitted during the writing sample portion of the SSAT.
  • Device must be manually operated and may not have speech-to-text capabilities or any other audio component.
  • Device cannot have built-in calculation functionality and may not be used as the test taker’s calculator if also approved for such accommodation. If a test taker is approved for both a spell checking device and calculator, two separate devices are to be used.
  • Device must be silent or have the ability to turn off sound when in use.
  • Device cannot have a camera or the ability to scan/capture text.
  • Device cannot have a data bank or data other storage functionality.
  • Device cannot provide test taker with word definitions or thesaurus functionality (antonyms/synonyms).
  • Device cannot be a cell phone.
  • Device cannot require an internet connection for use.
  • Device is only to be permitted during the writing sample portion of the SSAT.
An image of an electronic spell-check device.
Example of an acceptable spell-checking device.
Prescription Medication with Water
  • Students approved for the allowance of prescription medication(s) with water are permitted to keep their medication(s) with them at all times.
  • The family is responsible for providing any necessary medications for their student on test day for all computer-based and paper-based SSAT administrations.
  • Students may keep a bottle of water at or near their desk throughout testing.
  • Prescription medication(s) MUST be contained in an original prescription bottle and MUST be prescribed to the student by name. No unmarked prescriptions will be permitted to enter the testing room.
  • Medications MUST be self-administered as the test proctor will NOT be permitted to assist students in this way.
  • All pill-based medications require approval as an accommodation prior to registering for testing. If you have questions regarding your medication, please contact EMA directly at for assistance.
Human Reader
  • Students approved to have a human reader assist them during testing are responsible for identifying and providing this individual on test day for any computer-based or paper-based SSAT administration. Eligibility requirements are in the last item of this section below.
  • If your student has been approved to test with the assistance of a human reader AND you wish to have your student complete a computerized SSAT at a local Prometric test center, please be sure to contact Prometric directly following registration to learn more about their requirements and process in scheduling and setting up your student to test with their adult assistant. 
  • Students assisted by a reader MUST be tested individually to ensure the interactions between the student and reader do not disrupt the test taking of other students.
  • For all paper-based SSAT administrations, readers will be provided their own test book on test day and are permitted to read ALL text which the student would be responsible for reading.
  • All computer-based testing options will require the student and their reader to read from the same computer screen throughout testing.
  • All text read aloud by the reader is at the complete discretion of the student; therefore, if desired, students may choose to read any section or subsection of the SSAT without assistance from their reader.
  • If/when requested, the reader is permitted to read the test taker’s  partial or completed writing sample aloud to them. The reader may only read this written work verbatim as it appears and may not provide any feedback related to the content of the written work.
  • Readers MUST read all test material verbatim to maintain standardization and test validity and are NOT permitted to clarify, elaborate, or provide alternate descriptions, interpretations, or suggestions.
  • All test related questions, including but not limited to requests for clarification, having directions repeated, etc., are to be posed directly to the proctor, not the reader. Please note that any student request to have a portion of the test re-read aloud by their reader does not require approval from the proctor and may be asked of the reader at any time during testing.
  • Readers are NOT permitted to physically assist any student during testing, including, but not limited to: marking a student’s answers on the answer booklet, pointing in the student’s test book, etc. If a reader is unsure of how to respond to a request from the student, they should ask the proctor for clarification.
  • If the test proctor determines the reader is providing a student with inappropriate assistance during testing, they reserve the right to provide a first verbal warning to the reader; however, if the proctor cites repeated instances of inappropriate assistance, testing may be discontinued and reported as a testing irregularity and the student’s test will NOT be scored.
  • Students approved for the use of a ruler during testing are responsible for providing this item on test day for all computer-based and paper-based SSAT administrations.
  • The ruler may be accessed/used by the student throughout testing, as needed.
  • The ruler CANNOT exceed twelve (12) inches in length.
Seat Cushion or Pillow
  • Students approved for the use of a seat cushion or a pillow on test day are responsible for providing this item on test day for all computer-based and paper-based SSAT administrations.
  • The cushion/pillow MUST fit reasonably on the seat and may be used throughout testing.
Small Group Setting
  • Student will be placed in a testing room with no more than nine (9) other students testing with accommodations.
  • Any student approved for testing accommodations is automatically placed in a small group testing environment, not to exceed ten (10) students, regardless of approval for the small group setting accommodation.
  • Any student approved to test in a small group setting AND who registers to complete an SSAT at a local Prometric test center will automatically be scheduled to test individually in a separate room at Prometric. Each Prometric test center is set up differently, and this type of testing arrangement best helps to ensure a low-stimulus environment with minimal distractions and one that does not exceed an appropriate number of test-takers in the same room with your student during testing.
Human Scribe
  • Students approved to have a human scribe assist them during testing are responsible for identifying and providing this individual on test day for all computer-based and paper-based SSAT administrations. Eligibility requirements are in the last item of this section below.
  • If your student has been approved to test with the assistance of a human scribe AND you wish to have your student complete a computerized SSAT at a local Prometric test center, please be sure to contact Prometric directly following registration to learn more about their requirements and process in scheduling and setting up your student to test with their adult assistant. 
  • Students assisted by a scribe MUST be tested individually to ensure the interactions between the student and scribe do not disrupt the test taking of other students.
  • Scribes are permitted to transcribe all verbal information as dictated by the student when completing the writing sample section of the SSAT, and may, at the student’s discretion, fill in the answer booklet for all other sections of the test.
  • Any verbal information dictated by the student as part of their written response MUST be transcribed verbatim and these individuals are NOT permitted to clarify, elaborate, or provide alternate descriptions, interpretations, or suggestions.
  • All test related questions, including but not limited to requests for clarification, having directions repeated, etc., are to be posed directly to the proctor, not the scribe. Please note that any student requests to erase or make edits to their writing sample or answer selections do not require approval from the proctor and may be asked of the scribe by the student at any time during testing.
  • If the test proctor determines the scribe is providing a student with inappropriate assistance during testing, they reserve the right to provide a first verbal warning to the scribe; however, if the proctor cites repeated instances of inappropriate assistance, testing may be discontinued and reported as a testing irregularity and the student’s test will NOT be scored.
  • The scribe may word process the writing sample for the student only if the student has been approved for the use of a laptop for the written portion of the SSAT.
Sign Language Interpreter
  • Students approved to have a sign language interpreter assist them with the transmission and understanding of verbal test directions are responsible for providing this individual on test day for any computer-based or paper-based SSAT administration. Eligibility requirements are in the last item of this section below.
  • If your student has been approved to test with the assistance of a sign language interpreter AND you wish to have your student complete a computerized SSAT at a local Prometric test center, please be sure to contact Prometric directly following registration to learn more about their requirements and process in scheduling and setting up your student to test with their adult assistant. 
  • Students assisted by a sign language interpreter MUST be tested individually to ensure the interactions between the student and the sign language interpreter do not disrupt the test taking of other students.
  • If the student has a question for the test proctor, the sign language interpreter should relay the question to the proctor verbatim through spoken language, with the proctor’s response to the question being relayed to the student using sign language as similar to the spoken language as possible.
Use of Gel Overlays
  • Any student approved for the use of gel overlays when taking the SSAT is responsible for providing these materials on test day for all computer-based and paper-based SSAT administrations.
  • For any computer-based SSAT administrations offered through Prometric, you will also need to provide a removable adhesive tape (i.e. painter’s tape) to affix the desired overlay to the computer monitor for testing.
  • Gel overlays may be used on any portion of the SSAT requiring the student to read text.
Requesting “Other” Testing Accommodations

EMA recognizes the uniqueness and individuality of each student’s disability and accommodation needs. All requests for “other” testing accommodations will be considered and reviewed on a case-by-case basis.

We may require additional time to work with testing locations to provide uncommon or “other” testing accommodations. EMA will work diligently to provide all such accommodations; however, certain requests may cause delays in testing so that we may procure the necessary facilities and staffing to meet your student’s testing needs.

  • Any application for testing accommodations which includes an “other” or uncommon accommodation(s) is not eligible for Direct Access.

On rare occasions, there may be testing accommodations requested which are deemed unreasonable and cannot be provided. It is important to note that we cannot (and are not required by law to) provide any testing accommodation that will:

  • jeopardize test security,
  • fundamentally alter the SSAT, or
  • cause an undue burden to EMA

In some cases, it may be necessary for EMA to work with the family to provide an equally effective testing accommodation in lieu of a requested accommodation. Recommendations for the use of an alternate testing accommodation will be made only when required to ensure the integrity and security of the SSAT are not compromised and when determined to be equally effective in meeting the student’s educational testing needs.

Eligibility Requirements to Serve as a Reader, Scribe, Sign Language Interpreter or Other Assistant for the SSAT
  • MUST be at least 18 years of age;
  • CANNOT be a family member or guardian;
  • CANNOT be any individual who has provided the student with direct SSAT preparation services, and;
  • CANNOT be any individual who coaches or participates with the student in any athletic or extracurricular activity.
  • If your student has been approved to test with any type of assistive personnel such as a reader or scribe, AND you wish to have your student complete a computerized SSAT at a local Prometric test center, please be sure to contact Prometric directly following registration to learn more about their requirements and process in scheduling and setting up your student to test with their adult assistant. 

Nondisclosure Agreement: Individuals planning to serve as a student’s reader on test day will be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement (NDA) prior to the start of testing. The NDA is a legal agreement indicating that the adult assistant will not disclose or disseminate any exposed SSAT test content.

A hand-drawn doodle of a downward-pointing arrow.

Approver Information for Families

What is an approver?

An approver is a qualified individual who can affirm that valid documentation meeting our requirements is on file with their school or organization, and that the student is known to have a disability requiring testing accommodations.

  • The approver listed on a student’s application for accommodations is recommended to be a practitioner or representative from the student’s current or previous school (ex. school psychologist, special education coordinator, counselor, school administrator, therapist, learning specialist, teacher, etc.).
  • The responsibility for maintaining these records varies from school to school, thus a specific role or job title is not required; however, this professional should be able to attest to the validity of your student’s disability and their resultant testing needs.
Who may serve as an approver?

Any professional approving accommodations for a student must be a non-family member, regardless of credentials possessed by a family member. Identified professionals must be able/willing to affirm that:

  • Documentation meeting SSAT requirements is known to exist on file at their organization.
  • The student is known to have a disability requiring accommodations for standardized testing.
  • The approver listed on a student’s application for accommodations is recommended to be a practitioner or representative from the student’s current or previous school (ex. school psychologist, special education coordinator, counselor, school administrator, therapist, learning specialist, teacher, etc.). The responsibility for maintaining these records varies from school to school, thus a specific role or job title is not required; however, this professional should be able to attest to the validity of your student’s disability and their resultant testing needs.
  • It may be necessary to identify a medical practitioner involved in your student’s diagnosis or ongoing treatment for their disability; however, it is recommended that the family attempt to identify a school-based professional as they generally know a student’s educational testing needs best.
  • Any individual approving accommodations for a student must be a non-family member, regardless of the credentials held by a family member.
  • If any professional has provided direct SSAT test preparation services for your student, they are not eligible to serve as the approver of your student’s accommodations for the SSAT.
Changing Your Student’s Approver

If your student’s approver is unresponsive to your student’s request for testing accommodations, even after multiple contact attempts, you may choose to select a different approver to serve in this role for your student.

If you wish to change the approver associated with your student’s application for accommodations, you may do so within your parent/guardian online SSAT account by returning to the pending application for accommodations and clicking the “Change Approver” button. You will be asked to provide all contact information for the new approver before submitting.

What if my student’s request was denied?

If your student’s request for testing accommodations is denied by their designated approver, you may choose to:

  • Submit a secondary application for the denied accommodations to the same qualified approver (in case of error with original submission).
  • Indicate a different qualified approver who is willing to attest to the previously denied testing accommodations as being necessary and reasonable.
  • Test with only the approved accommodations and forego those which were denied.

In the event your student’s requested accommodations are approved, but EMA determines that the supporting documentation provided does not substantiate the requested testing accommodations and/or meet EMA requirements, EMA will notify you of the decision and provide a rationale, including:

  • An indication of which testing accommodations have been approved or denied.
  • The aspects of the documentation and/or request that affected the decision.
  • Clear suggestions and/or examples illustrating acceptable documentation.
  • Instructions for submitting further documentation.
  • Instructions for contacting EMA regarding any questions or concerns or to file an appeal.
A hand-drawn doodle of a downward-pointing arrow.

Information for Approvers

Approver Process and Responsibilities For Students Who Need Accommodations Due to Disabilities

Step-by-Step Guide for Approving Accommodations

Once you have been designated as an approver by a student, a few simple steps complete the process.

  • First, you’ll receive an email with a link to an online form.
  • Next, the Approver will request a security code via the link provided.

This code will be emailed and after entering the code, the form will be unlocked for completion.

Complete the online form, indicating:

  • The type of documentation you have on file
  • An approval or denial for each requested accommodation
  • Your name

As part of the form, you’ll also be asked to print an Approver ID Form, sign it, and add a business card.

If you don’t have a business card, you can provide a brief statement on your company’s letterhead indicating your name, address, job title, responsibility for maintaining accommodation documentation, and that you are submitting the letter as verification of your identity for SSAT testing accommodations. f you will be submitting a letter to verify your identity as an SSAT approver of accommodations, please note that this letter should be submitted along with your signed approver identification form, not in lieu of this required document.

  • To submit the ID form online, simply take a picture of the form and business card/letter with your smartphone and email to
  • We will confirm when we’ve received and processed your ID form and your approval is complete.

If no other documentation needs to be submitted by the student, they will be alerted that they are approved and able to register with accommodations. Otherwise, if documentation is required, EMA will await its submission by the student for further review.

Once EMA has your ID on file, you will be considered a known approver.

This means that you will only need to submit ID once, regardless of the number of students you approve. Your status as a known approver continues through three testing seasons. In other words, if you become a known approver in the 2021-2022 testing season (August 1, 2021-July 31, 2022) you will not need to submit your ID again until August 1, 2024. When accessing future online approval forms as a known approver, the form recognizes your email address and will not require submission of identification for approval validation.

Documentation Requirements

Documentation Requirements for Students Who Need Accommodations Due to Disabilities

Documentation supporting a student’s need for testing accommodations must always be on file with your school or organization.

Acceptable Forms of Documentation

  • Individualized Education Program (IEP)
  • Section 504 Accommodation(s) Plan
  • Private School Service Plan or other formal documentation on letterhead
  • Private or school-based evaluation reports
  • Testing results or documentation from a qualified professional
  • Documentation that illustrates that the student has been approved for testing accommodations when taking other standardized tests in the past
  • Documentation from a representative at the student’s current school indicating the provision of the requested accommodations when completing school-based testing

Please contact EMA if you have other forms of documentation considered.

The documentation must:

  • List or reflect a history of each disability;
  • Illustrate that each disability substantially limits a major life activity;
  • Illustrate that the accommodations requested are reasonable, and;
  • Be dated within the last three (3) years from the date of application submission.
General Notes on Documentation
  • Submitting the full IEP, 504 plan, or other formal documentation provides EMA with the most complete information, which may prevent approval delays.
  • The document must be clearly dated with any available signature pages included.
  • Submitting incomplete or invalid documentation may result in delays when processing the student’s request for testing accommodations.
  • All documents submitted to EMA for review as part of the application process for accommodations MUST be submitted in English. Any document composed in any other language must be translated to English first and then submitted before the application will be reviewed.
Private School Documentation Example

While IEP and 504 documents tend to be relatively structured in their format and include all necessary elements to meet SSAT documentation requirements, private school documentation may not be as consistent. Generally, private school documentation is considered to be formal documentation created by the school which outlines diagnostic impressions, as well as educational needs and services provided in the school setting for a given student. Provided below is a sample document which fulfills EMA requirements.

Regardless of form, the documentation must:

  • List or reflect a history of each disability;
  • Illustrate that each disability substantially limits a major life activity;
  • Illustrate that the accommodations requested are reasonable, and;
  • Be dated within the three years prior to the date of submission to EMA.
An example of an accommodations request letter.
A hand-drawn doodle of a downward-pointing arrow.

Medically-Based Testing Accommodations

Epi-Pens & Inhalers
  • EMA recognizes the importance of permitting students access to necessary emergency medical equipment at all times. Students who require access to epi-pens and/or inhalers for emergency purposes during testing are not required to request access to these as an accommodation.
  • The student must advise the proctor or test administrator they have an emergency inhaler or epi-pen.
  • If the inhaler is regularly used as a medication and is not strictly for emergency purposes, it must be requested as an accommodation.
  • If your student has a medication that must be administered during testing, select “Prescription Medication with Water” as an accommodation when applying.
  • Students must be able to self-administer their medication.
  • Medications must be contained in an original prescription bottle with the student’s name printed on the label.
Medical Devices
  • If your student has a medical device that must be used during testing, enter it under an “other” accommodation.
  • Students must be able to use any medical devices themselves.
  • Students are responsible for providing all necessary medical items/equipment on test day. If you have concerns regarding your student’s ability to test on a specified test date due to health concerns or if you are unsure whether you need to apply for testing accommodations for your student, please contact us at as soon as possible.
  • Any student with medically-based testing accommodation needs may be required to test individually with their own test proctor, depending upon the nature of the medical condition or impairment and the likelihood that the student may distract or negatively affect other students in the testing environment.
A hand-drawn doodle of a downward-pointing arrow.

Religious Considerations


All students will be recorded when completing the SSAT At Home. Recordings will be kept for up to one year for review, as needed. If you object to the photo/video requirements as set forth by EMA due to any religious beliefs or affiliations, please compose a letter citing such concerns and email the letter as an attachment to EMA at An EMA staff member will be in touch to discuss the matter and explore test options in your area.

Religious Head Coverings

Any student may wear a head covering due to religious affiliation or belief when completing the SSAT without pre-approval from EMA. During the test day check-in process, SSAT administrative staff may confirm and review with the student and/or their parent(s) that the head covering is being worn for religious purposes. It is permissible for SSAT administrative staff to ask for the student to show their religious head covering by turning their head left and right, notably for the SSAT at Home.  At no time will a student be asked to remove a head covering indicated to be worn for religious purposes. Head coverings and hats that are not worn due to religious affiliation/beliefs are prohibited.

Sunday Testing for the Standard Paper Test

1. Log in to your student’s account, click the “SSAT Testing” button and then the “Apply for / View My Accommodations” tab.

2. Next, click the “Click to Apply for Sunday Testing” button to be taken to the online application.

3. Provide contact information for an approver who is able to attest that:

  • Your student cannot test on a Saturday due to religious reasons (i.e. a member of the clergy, rabbi, etc.).

Sunday testing notes:

  • For students wishing to take the paper-based Standard test on Sunday, where available, before registering they must apply and be approved for Sunday Testing.  There is no requirement to be approved for Sunday Testing for students wishing to take a Flex test, an SSAT at Home, or a Prometric Test that occur on a Sunday.
  • The amount of time necessary to be approved for Sunday testing largely depends upon how quickly your indicated approver completes the required approval form and submits the required ID form for processing.
  • Changing Your Approver: If your approver is unresponsive to your request for testing accommodations, even after multiple contact attempts, you may select a different approver to serve in this role. If you wish to change the approver associated with your application for accommodations, you may do so within your online SSAT account by returning to your pending application for accommodations and clicking the “Change Approver” button. You will be asked to provide all contact information for the new approver before submitting. Be sure to double-check that the approver’s email address is entered accurately, to ensure they receive all information necessary to complete the online approval process. If you require assistance making this type of change, please contact us at info
  • The availability of Sunday testing is limited in many areas and cannot be guaranteed for a student’s preferred test date or test site.
  • If you are having difficulty locating a Sunday testing site near you, please email as soon as possible so that we may help you identify a test site that can meet your testing needs within a reasonable distance.
  • If your student is in need of Sunday testing approval for any SSAT test date offered in Israel, please contact EMA at for assistance.
  • The approval for Sunday testing is only valid for the testing season in which it was approved (August 1 through July 31).
A hand-drawn doodle of a downward-pointing arrow.

Additional Information

Accommodated Testing Irregularities

Any student utilizing any type of non-approved accommodation(s) on test day will be cited for an irregularity. Irregular tests are considered invalid and will NOT be scored. Additionally, no refunds are provided for any test cited as an irregularity.

Test Site Accommodations for Physical Disabilities

If you or your student has a physical disability and you need to confirm physical access to the testing location (ramps, elevators, accessible parking, etc.), you do not need to request testing accommodations (i.e. use of a wheelchair, use of elevator, etc.). Instead, please email so that EMA can ensure your access to the testing location.

Testing Accommodations for Temporary Conditions

If your student has been diagnosed with a temporary condition, such as a broken arm, broken hand, or concussion, and you have concerns regarding their ability to complete testing, please email before requesting accommodations or registering for a test.

In general, it is EMA's recommendation that students who experience an unexpected accident resulting in temporary impairment postpone testing until after they are fully recovered to ensure test performance is an accurate reflection of their true abilities.

Testing Accommodations for Limited English Proficiency

If your student is considered to be limited English proficient or an English Language Learner, they are not eligible to receive testing accommodations when completing the SSAT as such accommodations are strictly prohibited for any student that does not require them as the result of an identified or suspected disability or impairment.

Requesting Additional Testing Accommodations

If you did not request a particular accommodation with your student’s original application and you would like to have additional accommodations considered/approved, please email for assistance.

It may be possible for additional testing accommodations to be added/approved for your student without the need to submit an additional application or documentation; however, in some cases this is necessary. Depending upon factors specific to the situation, including the test date, your student’s needs, and the additional accommodations requested, it may be necessary to reschedule testing. Please contact EMA as soon as possible by emailing


A hand-drawn doodle of a circle.

If you have any questions or concerns about your family's ability to provide anything needed for your student to complete testing, please contact EMA immediately and well in advance of your scheduled test date.

Find answers to common questions about accommodations in our Help Center.